My Age
All people my age want to do
is have sex
go to parties
look at their cell phones
plan to get rich
and complain about school.
Not one person understands
the splendor of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
The Downfall of Me
I am awfully afraid of dying,
and of any sort of weird noise.
I fail to find comfort in the small things
and in the large things.
If I haven’t given up totally it is because
I’d still appreciate that apology.
At times a hot sword of yearning
strikes me through.
Yes, I’d like to see Japan!
I take a beautiful vacation
from my beautiful life.
It’s too much — a hat on a hat.
The frictionless ocean.
A moon that rises irrelevantly.
My ferry lists towards port of call
drawing dolphins in its wake.
I want to ask the natural question:
to whom might I seem
even a little familiar?
Regular Guy
I am good
but I am not better than the dog
just because of my massive size.
If someone tells you you are smart
just because you know the word “impenetrable”
they are wrong. You might be medium-smart.
But plenty of stupid people
know the word “impenetrable.”
LA driving verse
my love to the wife
my cabriolet to the spa
my palm to the hole
my palm to the spa
my cabriolet to the wife
my love to the hole
my love to the spa
my palm to the wife
my cabriolet to the hole
a let palm
a wet spa
my hole life:
Catalina pt. 2
The air is full of me.
The beach is pale of me.
I bring tidings.
The observable world
in a bloom of palm light:
merely a belly-up clam.
A shell in the surf.
Upper Middle Class
I’m rich enough to not have to do anything
but not rich to actually do anything.
If I were rich-rich I’d invent a drill so long
it could reach the center of the earth
and if I were any poorer
I’d have to get out of this bathtub.
A poem I wrote in a dream and woke up and put in my phone notes:
Your father fell in love with your mother,
the prettiest woman on long island
because he thought himself to be the fattest man.
I don't know why I like this.
I think because I assumed love
would only be about the mystery between two people,
rather than the mystery of the whole world.
My Lance of Truth
I am not a rock nor an animal.
I make judgements:
To abjure the city
with its limited horizon,
to sink like the sun and stay under,
dragging my chain and
raising loose curtains of ocean floor
until I dredge up a new town.
I call it something from the Greek
and tell a story about how we were once
an isle for shitting birds only,
merely a knob in a vast water
built clod by clod.
I never mention the cities of men
who made me so sad.
Instead, I lay with my dead brother
watching gray hulls of seals.
We attempt a do-over,
a new family from first principles like
tundra, prairie, mouth of river.
We uncomplicate it so we
can complicate it again
with no shame.
Eileen’s Book of Jokes